“I am not what I ought to be, Not what I want to be, Not what I’m going to be, But thank God I’m not what I used to be.”
— Quoted by John Wooden

I was… shall we say… fluffy?DSCN9656

I was in my mid 40’s and like a lot of folks, I somehow went from a vibrant healthy-looking 20-something to an overweight career person with two cars, two kids, a mortgage and less hair. I was more tired and sleeping less, the clothing had expanded numerous sizes and doctor visits were starting to appear more regularly on the calendar. How did this happen and how was I going to fix it? Was fixing this an option or had the momentum of the downhill slide been too great?

It seemed to be insurmountable, but the choices were not attractive; ride the downhill slide or do the work to get healthy. I looked into the face of my first grandchild and realized if I wanted to be a part of her life I had to make some changes. So the IMG_0046journey began the next day and here I am 60+ pounds lighter and down with a 30″ waist reduced from 38.

The posts that follow will unfold this story.